Saturday 19 March 2011

100% Organic Weight Loss Tea

Tava Tea Wellness Blend is in theory, tea just like any other kind but that is where any kind of comparison ends. 

Roduve Healthcare Soltuions

Oolong, Puerh and Sencha are essential types of tea much like Earl Grey and Darjeeling. However, " Tava Tea " is a much unparalleled blend of these three teas has always been recognized but this special blend of Tea contains a large number of nutrients. Oolong (otherwise known as Wu Long) Sencha and Puerh teas have been put to use in China for over five hundred years. .Sencha has very high levels of Catechin, a type of Polyphenol and a powerful antioxidant. Though there are various kinds of different Polyphenols, Catechins are the strongest. The most powerful catechin, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), is plentiful in green tea. But each variety will vary in its power, quality and effectiveness. 

It is very unusual to come across a herbal product that comes with a guarantee of being 100% organic. This means that no fertilizers or any unnatural man made method has been used in the cultivating of these herbs or in the manufaction of Tava Tea. It is organically grown and produced using only the finest whole Wuyi Cliff Oolong and Puerh tealeaves of the best possible standard. It is largely effective for weight loss as well as general healing of the body. It is clinically proven to help reduce the amount of body fat and balance cholesterol levels.

Many benefits of this tea include: easier digestion, reduction of bloating and it will burn up to twice as many calories as ordinary Green tea. It reduces the effects of the carbohydrates you eat if you drink Tava Tea just 15 minutes before consuming carbohydrates. It achieves this by reducing the level of insulin that is produced when weight is gained. Tava Tea also contains a great amount of powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, which can damage the body at the cellular level and make it far more susceptible to cancer, heart disease, and other degenerative diseases.

It has been shown to calm your mind and body as it contains the amino acid L-theanine that is in charge of boosting alpha brain wave activity which increases the production of the calming neutrotransmitting chemicals Dopamine and Serotonin in the brain. And amazingly, a 50% reduction in free radicals was found in individuals who participated drank Wuyi Cliff Oolong tea for just 15 days which helps to slow down the process of ageing. People who consume 2 or more cups of Wu Long Tea a daily are proven to be at a 26% lower risk of suffering with heart disease.

As well as the amazing benefits it has to offer, Tava Tea comes with a full six month money back guarantee and unlike competitors does not offer a free trial that is actually a scam where every month you are being billed. 

So all these things go to show precisely why Tava Tea is rated the Number One weight loss tea.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Sex the all-purpose remedy

Perhaps Marvin Gaye had the right idea when he declared musically his need for sexual healing.

It turns out that (safe) sex (in a monogamous relationship) can do your body good, according to scientists who study the effects of sex and health. According to research, sex can release a series of hormones that do everything from relieve pain to help stave off cardiovascular disease.

Even though you probably don't need an excuse to get romantic, here are a few studies that document the health benefits of sex:

Turn back the clock: Having sex ? ? three times a week can make you look nearly a decade younger, says research out of Scotland's Royal Edinburgh Hospital. Neuropsychologist Dr. David Weeks studied 3,500 American and European volunteers between the ages of 18 and 102 found that their youthful looks were only 25 per cent due to genetics. The rest was related to behaviour, including sexual behaviour, says the research. Weeks, author of Secrets of the Super Young, attributes the anti-aging properties of sex to dopamine and human growth hormone -powerful substances released during the act that are thought to slow the aging process.

Lower blood pressure: A Brigham ? ? Young University study published in a 2008 edition of the Annals of Behavioural Medicine found that happily married people had lower blood pressure than singles -and even lower blood pressure, yet, than unhappily married people. More than 300 study participants wore devices for 24 hours that randomly recorded their blood-pressure readings. Those who were married filled out a questionnaire about their marriages. The study concluded that even singles with strong social networks did not fare as well with blood pressure than the happily married study subjects. While this study isn't directly related to sex, it suggests that happy, close love relationships can be good for heart health.

Boost immunity: Scientists at Wilkes ? ? University in Pennsylvania say sex can boost your immunity -specifically, raise your levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody that can prevent the cold and flu. The Wilkes researchers asked more than 100 undergrads how many times they had sex in the previous month. They also measured the amounts of IgA in the subjects' saliva. The results? Those who had sex once or twice weekly had 30 per cent more IgA in their saliva than their counterparts who did the deed less than once a week.

Reduce depression: Research out ? ? of the University of Albany suggests that women who have sex without condoms are less depressed than women who do use condoms. In the 2002 study, 300 women filled out anonymous questionnaires that determined elements of their sexual behaviour. Respondents also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), commonly used to measure a person's depressive symptoms. The women in the study who engaged in sexual intercourse but who didn't use condoms had lower BDI scores, indicating they were less depressed. Scientists say semen contains moodaltering chemicals such as testosterone, estrogen and prolactin. Scientists believe these chemicals can elevate mood when absorbed vaginally. However, lead researcher of the Albany study, Professor Gordon Gallup, has an important message. "Regardless of the findings, this study does not advocate that people abstain from using condoms," said Gallup in a news release. "Protecting oneself from an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease is far more important."

Lower mortality: A study of nearly ? ? 1,000 middle-aged men published in a 1997 edition of the British Medical Journal tracked the relationship between orgasms and mortality. Researchers of the 10-year study found that mortality rate dropped by 50 per cent in the men with "high orgasmic frequency" compared with men who had less orgasms. The conclusion: "Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health."

Lessen headaches: A 2001 issue of ? ? the journal Headache contains the results of a survey that questioned woman about whether they ever had sex while experiencing a migraine headache. Of the 57 who had engaged in sex with a migraine, 30 per cent reported some relief from their headaches after sex. Meanwhile another 17.5 per cent ended up completely pain free. Only 5.3 per cent of respondents noticed worsening headache symptoms after sex.

Male depression 'set to increase'

An article in the British Journal of Psychiatry suggests economic and social changes will erode traditional sources of male self-esteem.

The authors say men will struggle with the shift away from traditional male and female roles.

The Men's Health Forum said male identity was bound up in employment.

One of the authors, Dr Boadie Dunlop from Emory University School of Medicine, said: "Women are almost twice as likely to develop major depressive disorder in their lifetime as men, but we believe this difference may well change in the coming decades."

He argues that traditional males jobs such as manufacturing or physical labour are being lost, either through improved technology or jobs moving to other countries.

On the other hand the article states that as women are now more likely to go to university than men so the number of households where the main breadwinner is female will increase.

Male identity

"Men's failure to fulfil the role of breadwinner is associated with greater depression and martial conflict," the article states.

Dr Dunlop said: "Western men will face a difficult road in the 21st century, particularly those with low levels of education. We believe economic and societal changes will have significant implications for men's mental health."

Peter Baker, chief executive of the Men's Health Forum, said: "This really confirms what we already know about unemployment and that it has a much bigger impact on men, mainly because male identity is bound up as a worker.

"Male social networks are based around work so losing a job can lead to isolation and depression."

Dr Cosmo Hallstrom, a consultant psychiatrist, said: "If you've spent 20 years pouring steel and the mill closes you can't just go and do something else.

"It seems self evident in a recession with joblessness that it will be bad for physical and mental health and some people will get depression.

"Having to send your wife out and feel like a parasite surely would put up the rate of depression, but overall is it unique to men? I don't know."

Mr Baker said men do not seek help when they have depression and were "more likely to self medicate in the pub" than seek professional care.

He said: "As we see more men affected we need to think about how to support and get them back to work."